Friday, April 29, 2016

April 29, 2016 Newsletter

Dear Parents,

I hope you all had a wonderful vacation! I loved hearing all the stories that your children came back with! They were all excited to share what special times you had last week.

We have had a busy week in Room 115!  We have started learning all about seeds, trees, and plants.  We will start learning about insects next week. The students made trees and labeled each of the parts at the art table. They wrote in their journals about their vacations, what trees give us, and about seeds. Their writing is coming along nicely. We have been practicing putting spaces between our words, periods at the end of the sentences, and uppercase letters at the beginning of sentences.  They will continue writing narrative stories during the next couple of weeks and will be writing stories about themselves and some things they have done!

In math, we finished our unit on the position and location of objects.  The concepts have been more of a review for the students so we have been trying to come up with some fun and creative ways to practice them.  We started our final unit on Analyzing, Comparing, and Composing Shapes.  We will be doing some First Grade Step Up Lessons soon!  I will be getting ready to assess the students’ addition and subtraction fluency facts in a couple of weeks as well as their sight words.  I would encourage you to continue working on these daily.  I sent an updated sight word list home today.  The words your child already knows are highlighted.

We planted tomato seeds this week. We will watch them grow and then send home the plants after they have grown a little so you can plant them somewhere at your home.  Our district is having a tomato growing contest.  I’ll send information home about the contest when we send the plants home in a few more weeks.

We took more pictures of different plants/trees around our school today. We have been discussing the changes in nature we have been observing.  I would encourage you to do something similar at home if you are able to.  I would love for students to bring in their pictures or drawings in a few weeks to show us the changes in nature they observed at their homes!  We also went behind the fields near our school to check out the school garden. The peas we planted before vacation have sprouted!  The students were excited to see them and are anxious to keep an eye on them over the next couple of weeks!

Lulu and Myrtle (Eastern Box Turtles) are our new class pets for the next few weeks.  They are visiting us from the Burlington Science Center.  We also received some frog eggs and are excited to watch the tadpoles grow into frogs!  We also received a Luna Moth cocoon and will be watching every day for it to hatch!  Life cycles make so much more sense when we can see it in our very own classroom!  We are very thankful for the resources and shows the Burlington Science Center provide for us.  Mr. Musselman presented a Magnet Show earlier this week.  The students enjoyed learning about magnets, their poles, and the push and pull forces.

It certainly was a busy week!  We have more exciting happenings coming up during the month of May!

Enjoy your weekend!

Melanie Duncan

PS… The Kindergarten typically goes to the Middlesex Fells for a nature hike field trip near the end of May.  Due to an already busy end of the year, we will be unable to go on that field trip.  We are hoping to use some of the resources closer to our school to help extend our learning of nature this month.  I just wanted to let you know in case you were wondering why we hadn’t sent any information home about that trip.

Also, all Box Tops are due on Monday, May 2nd for the school competition.  Thanks for sending in a bunch already!

Thursday, April 28, 2016

New Class Pets

Lulu and Myrtle are the Eastern Box Turtles from the Burlington Science Center.  They will be visiting our class over the next couple of weeks as we learn about nature, pond life, reptiles, and life cycles. We enjoyed watching them eat salad this afternoon and look forward to watching them and learning more about them while they are in Room 115!

Tuesday, April 26, 2016

Changes in Nature

We have taken pictures outside of different places around our school two times now...once before vacation and once after vacation.  We plan to take more pictures of the same places for the next three weeks to see how nature is changing all around us!  The students already observed some pretty big changes in just one week!  It will be exciting to monitor and record changes throughout the beginning of May.

I encouraged the students to do something similar at home.  Students can either take pictures or draw pictures or sketches of different places around their homes each week for the next three or four weeks to observe how nature is changing.  I would love for your child to bring his/her pictures/display in to share with the class when they finish!  The changes going on outside right now certainly are exciting!

Magnet Show with Mr. Musselman

We enjoyed participating in a Magnet Show by the Burlington Science Center this morning.  Mr. Musselman taught us all about different kinds of magnets and how their poles can attract (pull together) and repel (push apart).  The students enjoyed learning about the materials that will and will not stick to magnets and enjoyed making predictions about how many paper clips different magnets will attract!  We are looking forward to exploring the push and pull forces and other magnetic explorations in our classroom.

Friday, April 15, 2016

April 15, 2016 Newsletter

Dear Parents,

We had a wonderful trip to the Big Apple Circus on Wednesday! The show was wonderful and the kids seemed to really enjoy it! We want to say a special thank you to Mrs. Corbett and Mrs. Hatzis for coming with us!

We completed our unit on the circus. The student’s artwork will be coming home after vacation.  It is all beautifully displayed in our classroom and in the hallway.  Be sure to check out previous blog posts to see different projects and other fun happenings we have had!

The students also finished their individual innovations called One, Two, Three, Four.  These went home today in their folders.  I would encourage your children to read them as often as possible and be sure to point to the words as they read!  It is a wonderful way to reinforce their sights words in context.  The students did a great job thinking of different adjectives to describe the animals in their books.

I would encourage you and your child to work a lot on their sight words and math fluency facts over vacation.  May is a big assessment month for us and I will be checking students on both of these skills during the next few weeks.  I would also encourage you to read, read, read as much as possible!

We will be starting our nature unit when we return from our spring break and will be learning about life cycles, trees, seeds, and eventually insects.  We will also be making observations about the signs of spring we see outside.  We will be taking pictures of different places around the school over a 4-6 week period and comparing the pictures every week.  It may be a fun project for you to do at home too!  I would love to see the pictures when you are done if you do decide to do it!  It is hard to believe spring is already here, even though it has been so cold!

We hope you have a fantastic, fun-filled, and relaxing week of vacation.  We look forward to hearing all the students' stories when they return!

Have a great week!

Melanie Duncan

Planting Seeds in Our School Garden

The Kindergarten classes enjoyed planting some pea seeds in the big garden behind our school this morning.  We plan to visit the garden periodically throughout the rest of the school year to watch them grow!

Wednesday, April 13, 2016

Big Apple Circus

We had an amazing time at the Big Apple Circus today!  We saw some pretty incredible acts!  I'm sure you will hear all about it if you haven't already!  My favorites are the clowns we already have in Room 115!  One of my favorite parts was watching the students laugh and smile during the whole show!  I want to give a special thank you to Mrs. Hatzis and Mrs. Corbett for coming with us!